May 2, 2021 @ 6:49 AM

Your boxing program is in a unique assessment situation. Historically you might have been very disciplined in your assessments or, like me, it was hit and miss. The Covid-19 break has been a huge disruption.  So your assessment implementation of PARS will be unique.  Here are some things to think about.

From the Boxer Directory there are 2 assessment filters.

  • Upcoming Assessments:  Assessments due in the next 14 days.  This gives you time to set a specific time for their assessment.
  • Overdue Assessments:  This filter shows all boxers with a next assessment date before today.  You should check this filter weekly and set new assessment dates as appropriate.

First, understand where each boxer is now.  Are they current in their assessment or are they overdue?  By clicking on "Boxer Quick Update" in the boxer menu, you will see general information on that boxer including their last assessment and their next assessment. 

  • If they have no last assessment date:  Enter a date up to 2 weeks from today to move them into the Upcoming Assessment cue.  They will now show up in the Upcoming Assessments filter as a reminder to talk to them to set a new next assessment date.  When you set a new assessment date, they will drop out of the Upcoming Assessment filter unless they are getting their next assessment within 2 weeks.
  • If they have a last assessment date but no next assessment date:  Same as above.
  • If the have a last assessment date and a next assessment date that has already passed:  Same as above.
  • If the have a last assessment date and a next assessment date that is unreasonably too far in the futureSame as above.

So, after checking my Covington boxers, it appears that for every out-of-range next assessment situation, the solution is to:

  • set a temporary reminder date so they show up in the Upcoming Assessments filter, or
  • set a new next assessment date out 6 months from their last assessment so they will show in the Upcoming Assessments cue 2 weeks before their new assessment date.